Who else than GOD for G - # A to Z challenge 2017
In this A to Z challenge , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story !
What will you write about me?
Or what will you write without me?
They say my dad did the universe
Doesn't matter , he has put me as the first verse;
More of a human, less of a God
For I love the laughter and joy of all my wards;
I live for them, for when the two hands fold
Emotions flow, aspires grow in thier hearts of gold;
You call me the good luck, the first of lords
I am more your friend like in the string of chords ;
Team MocktailMommies
Collage Of Life
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