L for laughing Buddha - A to Z challenge 2017

I have a pot of gold like in old folk
Not just that, lot of magic too down by sock;
Up the hills I live, in the chilly wind I sing
Come one come all, learn my magic trick;
They for sure look at me, unsure of what to ask
I put my hand into my bag to search for thier real mask;
What comes out is a beautiful face with lots of cheers and tons of smiles
That's not magic many say
Walk by the aisle in whispers that comes to me from far away;
Me the jolly good fellow take a place in many a tray
To spread the laughter that they shook away;

In this A to Z challenge , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story !


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