And it made the difference - Write tribe festival of words #4

Was it in her womb or in the flowers bloom ;
Up in those valleys travelled , in the moments that left me baffled ;
In the smile of a tender face , all those tears I shed in those phase;

What was that which made the difference ; it was the time I learnt to be creative

Am I the one to inspire which is what I aspire;
Are you the one who inspired and never gave in to what you desired;
Through the dark tunnels and the lit up sky , quite a contrary is what I sigh ;

What was that which made the difference ; it was the time I learnt to be creative

Noises that I hear all the time, in this world of brain that is mine;
Words out of a voice , where the need is just for poise;
A life worth a million dollar , all it requires is love and valor;

What was that which made the difference ; it was the time I learnt to be creative

Will we ever meet , O supreme , in your space so sweet;
Colors is what I see as far as my eyes could sting like a bee;

This is what made the difference , creativity and its existence.


The discovery of our creativity is always a fascinating experience. The beauty is that we keep finding more and more inspiration all around us!
Unknown said…
Inspiration is truly everywhere - we just need to look for it!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful..We just read to look out for ourselves and we can achieve it all. Great post!
Sushree Dash said…
Wow...actually I would say that. Awesome words about creativity. Loved it :)
Ash said…
Thank you all... its truly encouraging to be much more creative after i read your comments and blogs...
Anonymous said…
Lovely words.. so creatively penned..
Boisterous Bee said…
The rhymes were just perfect..!!
Well written..


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