Z is for the Zebra in my house - # A to Z challenge 2017
In this A to Z challenge , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story !
You made my life easy
Coz you start with Z Z Z
We got you the sunny day
When my little one was so happy seeing you sway
Then on you have been a reason for many
A reason for joy , a reason for fun
And of all the one big one
You end my dream of being part of the A to Z this season
You made my life easy
Coz you start with Z Z Z
We got you the sunny day
When my little one was so happy seeing you sway
Then on you have been a reason for many
A reason for joy , a reason for fun
And of all the one big one
You end my dream of being part of the A to Z this season