X for the X-citing Moment - # A to Z Challenge 2017
In this A to Z challenge , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story !
That moment of glory
In words can I explain it , not really !
It was not pride nor was it just happiness
Maybe more than that , a feeling of completeness;
A story of fault, grit and endurance
Say did I with no ignorance;
I can still hear them applaud
For each had their secret own ;
That moment of glory
In words can I explain it , not really !
It was not pride nor was it just happiness
Maybe more than that , a feeling of completeness;
A story of fault, grit and endurance
Say did I with no ignorance;
I can still hear them applaud
For each had their secret own ;