Reel of Feelings ( F- Forgiving ) - #A to Z Challenge
The first day at High school and nothing was like I had
imagined . Who got me admission here , I was happy at the Orphanage school ,
walking for miles to see the glares others were giving you....Funny , a voice
inside me never stopped talking.
I grabbed the first seat I could sight and to my horror, a
tall boy sat next to me . Half way into shifting my seat, the teacher walked in
and signaled us to sit . Another 10 minutes and I would have filled up a bucket
, that's how much I was perspiring and the event unfolded. "Welcome your
new classmate students , She is Tara coming all the way from very far", a
pause and she added "You are already a born STAR , you have it in your
name" . My eyes turned red and I guess I must have shouted something very
bad as when I woke up , I saw Hakim Baba next to me , teary eyed saying
"All is Ok now , you will not be sent to that school if you do not wish
so".I understood the impact that night had on me and I realized the value
of forgiving
waiting for more.