Reel of feelings ( I - Ignored) - # A to Z challenge
When she waved her last good bye after the 100th hug we gave
each other , was when I felt something churning inside me . It felt like a vacuum
and then everything around me seemed empty. Rose ran up to me for one last time
and promised that she would write a letter every week and she never broke her
No one else shared the room with me , neither did I want to
. I lost my interest in food , rarely played with other children , got up
sweating at night with no one to put me back to sleep. That's when Hakim Baba
took over a different place in my life. There were days when all he used to do
is sit and talk with me maybe expecting at least a single response. A year
passed before I could say I was close to being normal and so in one of our conversations
I asked " Baba, You told everyone has a mother and a father so why are you
finding new ones for us " . He looked up at me and explained the meaning
of orphans and mentioned that we are
lucky to get 2 set of parents. I persisted along and asked him " Why did
my mother never come back to pick me up , she always sang she is mine". I
did not get an answer .
It was a party as usual when someone was coming to see the
children, I am saying this as no one ever saw me or were not allowed to choose
me . I would wander all around them and Hakim Baba would keep reminding me of
one work or other. By the time I would be back, their selection would have been
done. Many years later, when Naina was being going to her new house , I heard
Baba requesting them to think once more about their decision and I couldn't
take it anymore- I walked up to him and spoke in front of them" Baba , you
have no rights to decide who should get a home or not, because of you I don't
have a new home to go and will always remain an orphan. Do you have any answer
for that?" . One of the few times that he did not answer again but calmly
asked Ruhana to take me away. Naina did got to her new house , not the one on
that day but exactly a month later , she reached her final destination where
everyone of us will go . When I suddenly woke up that night, I saw Hakim Baba sitting
next to me asking if I needed anything .

is it supposed to be that way or are these standalone sentiments ?
Ninja Minion, A-Z 2016