Reel of Feelings ( P - Pondering thoughts) - # A to Z challenge

Hakim Baba had told me the philosophy behind running the home and the school , it was in the lines of , a place where there is no restriction on what you want to learn and a home where you will always be wanted. I did work towards making this place what baba had envisioned without realizing that I would feel what this place means very soon.

When I rushed back, Ruhana tried stopping me saying that "It will be more difficult the next time "and Tarun added "Remember , this is where I stay and you have no escape and I heard her telling " Let her go, someone is waiting much more than I am ". It was the time of rains and mists played Hide and seek with us all the time, my mind drifted towards one morning where Rose and I had wandered very far from our home and suddenly could not see each other while we knew we were still holding hands. It was both scary and funny , we thought it was a game that God was playing with us. The laughter after the mists cleared away still echoed in my ears. The after math of getting lost was also very vivid , Rose was always the brave one giving me courage to smile and when at last we located the hazy vision of our home, the comfort we felt could never be compared to anything else. While I was pondering over these thoughts, I was amazed that such times have never occurred after Rose leaving the home. Oh, How much I miss her ! I said to myself.

Image result for pondering quotes
It took almost over an hour to reach back and as I entered I could see a small figure sitting outside in the verandah . As we  neared closer, I could see the long black hair flowing from the head to toe , thick eyebrows which were high enough looking at my arrival, the mole on the face which was her lucky charm and I almost screamed "That is my Rose" . She got up slowly and started walking towards the car with her much bigger bump swaying from side to side. I wanted to hug and squeeze her , for a moment i forgot that the bump was in between us. Her smile still had the same charm as it lit up her whole face and she just said "Tara , I have been waiting for you since long ", "I have been pondering over something for quite long and here I am to talk to the only person whom I trust". My rose had changed, she never had words like thoughts, waiting and for that matter she never pondered , she just did what she wanted to.....


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