Reel of Feelings ( A- Anger) #AtoZ Challenge


I knew I was one , it was just 6 weeks and there was a long journey ahead of me . Have I done right in listening to that voice who enticed me into this..yes into this . I heard someone calling "Latha everything fine" and then it was a roller coaster ride, an experience of a free fall, some back and forth, a flattening , a vacuum , a rush and then stillness. And then the voice again, "So how is it?", I said I want to come back , this is getting a lot stickier than you told me and that was absolutely not the deal we had. It laughed and spoke with its usual calmness "It has just begun my dear , the deal is for a lifetime , she is a lovely human , with her your journey will become more beautiful and in the next few minutes you will know how she feels for you". That word again "feeling " I thought, I am happy feeling happy was what I was saying when there were not one but 3 voices. All was broken, "Are you sure", "I can't believe this after 7 years ...,"You need to take utmost care now and Sir , it's your responsibility "and then the familiar voice "See you dear, now meet you again when you rest in peace" and I was left there.

Time passed and the voice was right, every time she kept her hand on me and hummed that little tune, I was happy . So many more voices wishing I was safe but why was all saying that I would be handsome and smart. Now it was enough , I was all set to show my charming face and I heard "Will all be ok ", just get me our son and then nothing will go wrong, Why did she stop pushing , Did I hear it right "It's been 7 years and you are still saying this to me " "I thought you were in pain and that's why we are here , we go back with our son else you know what happens when we get ANGRY". I no more felt wanted , she was praying for me to be one I was not and all I could feel is Anger...


Interesting rollercoaster of events. Good luck with the rest of the challenge.
Ash said…
Thanks ronel..
Ash said…
Thanks for dropping by... tomorrow s feeling is bitterness
Rebecca Noon said…
I'm intrigued and looking forward to what emotions you play on next!
CRD said…
I'm guessing this is about female infanticide. I feel the anger too.

All the best for the A to Z Challenge

jayanthi said…
Nice play of words ...

On first read I thought it was about an angry woman
on second read it look like it is about the child that was'nt he but she ...

may be it will look different the next time i read this.

Intrigued about all other emotions in store...
Ash said…
Thanks jayanthi... read along b is for bitter and c is for care

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