ThaTha - Meaning Grandfather - My inspiration - Write Tribe festival of words #4

Be Human - Inspirational post 

A doting brother , loving son, relied cousin, not so perfect husband, giving father and the best grand father .... is what I would use to define VV Venkateswaran . Of what I know of his upbringing , he has seen some of the hardest times from walking miles to reach a school , being the responsible son in the house of 3 daughters , proving to be the pride of his Father who I guess he was scared of the most and whom he equally respected . A journey full of treasures from which one can learn maybe all aspects of life.

The turning point from my view is the entry of my grandmother in his life without whom the four diamonds of his life ( My mom and 3 uncles ) would have never happened and I would have not got this lucky to have him.

 I want to tell you a short story that changed my life though I have not told this to many .

From taking me to school , teaching me lessons to introducing me to creativity ...I owe a lot to you . It was a day of my exams and my wait for the auto seemed eternal. My power of imagination was so negative in that age, at that moment all I was thinking of was delays and my exam not going well and so on and so forth. Not able to express all of this , the innocent me only had worried expression on my face. You being you ThaTha ,told me a story of a very old purana of Shiva and parvathi - keeping the story aside , you taught me the importance of one minute and made me realize that a minute is indeed very long and in minutes , a whole life can be changed - all this without even me telling you what was in my mind. Till today , whenever a thought like this crosses my mind, I get transported to that conversation between you and me and I believe that every minute has much more to offer and this has helped me cracking those big problems in my life till date.

This is just one story , if I dwell into my memory, I am sure i can write a whole book  thatha .... You have held my hand in situations umpteen, from my birth till now and it has always been to lift me into higher lands and to help me understand that life has a new way. My walks with you from school has been the best any granddaughter  can get where the distance never mattered and only our conversation did.


How wonderful to have a grandfather to share your life with. Unfortunately, I live in a different country than my grandchildren and have not been there to tell them stories. Visiting from Write Tribe Festival of Words.
Ash said…
Far or near, the feeling of having grandparents itself is a bliss

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