I love feeling guilty!

Thousand pieces of shattered glass, pricking sensation of countless thorns and a broken heart – this is the feeling of guilt within me. The recurrence of this in my life has been increasing over time, think that’s the way it is for all or maybe not! The thought of retaliation is so high that the explosion of it deafens my ears, only my ears. Never has any been able to hear that - would that have made a difference?

Guilt of ignorance, guilt of not giving respect, guilt of not loving, guilt of telling lies, guilt of hiding, guilt of everything not nice.. the list keeps adding but why ? The beauty I sense is every time I experience this guilt , there is an anger and this keeps repeating more with less repenting. The negativity gives me the strength of positivity, strange but true!

Some people love accusing others of guilt for if they count theirs it will take them down so low that they will never be able to come up again. This then becomes a chain reaction where at the end all I experience is hatred towards them and then the feeling is elevated as I love the guilt that builds up .


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