Does HR need Revamping?

Organizations have come a long way from having HR as just a pair of hands, now is an era where HR has become a voice so strong. HR has evolved beautifully over years which is seen and heard from the many success stories from the organizations .Saying all of this, The HR department needs to constantly keep abreast with the changing times. The question that arises in our minds many times is

Does HR as a process needs revamping or just re-tuning?

There is a difference in both; revamping means is to change something from the very beginning. On the other hand, re-tuning is for the constant change that I spoke about earlier which should come from a constant vigilance and need for improvement within the HR team.

Departmentalizing HR into various functions is a methodology that may organizations are following ( HR business Partner , Learning and Development , HR operations , Staffing and Compensation and benefits) but the integration between them also matters to a high degree for the organization ‘s success.

One of the leaders in my organization always said, how much ever an employee loves the job, he/she stays with it long for the people and the environment they have around them. These are major factors that is under the supervision of HR. This is an area where re-tuning comes into play, like some of the examples could be.

a. HR Policies needs to be reviewed at least every year to see if there is any tweaking required or any new policy needs to be brought about.

b. With a lot of GEN Y employees entering the workspace, education for both the existing as well as new employees on the ways of working becomes important.

c. Rewards and recognition need not only be monetary, many innovative methods could be added.

d. A blended approach of traditional methods + experiential learning to be offered.

e. Making use of technology for most of the HR processes help reduce redundancy, enhance accuracy of data.

Where does this revamping need to happen, if it needs to happen, it should be in the minds of our people who run the HR in any organization. HR need not limit itself to being a support in many ways, alignment with partners, going beyond the role, acting as one of the operation/IT personnel are all few areas where we could give a thought.

Remember that HR is moving from being just a human resources role to a holistic relation function.


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