What a crash! - Left me thinking

The Air India flight that met with its ill fate was horrifying news. When I first heard the news, I just felt sorry for all those who had lost their lives. I am not sure why, this news got deep rooted in my mind. A day after, when I read the details of the incident in the paper, my thoughts were running very fast and I could not help myself from having a strange fear.

Firstly, imagine yourself in the situation, you are traveling in a long distance flight and all that you want is to get to your destination to your loved ones, You hear the announcement that the flight has started its descent and you have a sigh of relief (Most of us have this kind of a feeling when the air hostess announces the descent of the flight). You see the runway and you are all ready to move out when you sight danger, your flight does not stop but speeds away telling you that you only have few seconds of your life left. I had shivers at this juncture thinking what can one do at that point. And then ,only you would know how you died- by burns, by suffocation, by head injury or just by shock - you have no time to tell anything to your dear ones.

Oh yes, I must mention that the 7 lucky survivors are there to tell us their story but the other 158 were not so lucky.

Secondly, when I read couple of articles on the reason for this journey for some of them, you come to know that we have lost lives that were the only hope for a family or sometimes a whole town. There were small infants as well as old people, young men and women who had so many dreams in their eyes, parents and their children who were looking forward for a vacation and we lost all of them. What compensation is the Government talking for such lives? - They are invaluable.

It was also written that one of the pilots had warned not to land at that moment and still it happened. This made me think that we all come with a fixed expiry date like all other things in this world; it’s just that we are not aware of it.

Life is really short; nobody knows what is in store for us. This incident has left a blank space somewhere deep in my heart. My prayers for all those who lost their lives, May their soul rest in peace.


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