Father - For you

The letter was so touching that it brought tears to my eyes. It was a letter from my Father!
His letters have always been special to me though I have never told him this. This particular letter stated the importance of my mother and how I should never forget what she has done for me. Yes! I would always be there for her was my first thought. What about him – my Father, he had not mentioned himself once in the letter.

Father - my appa was a no more than a person who used to get me a lot of gifts every year from overseas for the first five years of my childhood. No one escaped his anger and that made me even more distant from him. With my years of growing, my appa was only just another human being. Never did I bother to realize what he felt for me, silently in his own ways he was there whenever I felt a need for him. He expressed all his thoughts in writing to me – pieces of paper whose value is invaluable.

With these thoughts in mind, the letter in front of me once again came alive. I again stopped myself from saying it to him that ‘I will be there for you too appa, your warmth has always been with me though you never hugged me. Your presence makes me feel secured. I know that you have shed tears for all my failures and felt proud with all my success. I am here because you are here; I know you love me more than I do’. I am among the chosen few to be a part of this unique father n daughter relationship. God Bless


Unknown said…
thats really sweet of you and your emotions for your father. Fathers are the best

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