2 years back i used to think that children are the greatest gift to mankind- they bring so much of happiness when they enter this world. The proud parents call the whole world to celebrate with them. As time goes by and when time comes for the children to take a look back at thier parents , most of them vanish.

Most of us would have noticed this by now- and when i think of it i also have my parents ,its sometimes scary. Thee are lot of questions that arise in my mind and i struggle to understand the conversations in my mind. One thing is for sure , I will surely not leave them to feel that they are not cared for.

When i write this , something that resonates t0 me is what my uncle told once - Parents give birth to Children for thier pleasure and happiness, they bring them up to satisfy their family needs - so what right does a parent have to expect that they would get back all that they did from thier children - are we contracting anything with our children??


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