
Toilet - Ek Prem Katha - Movie Review

At first glance, this is a story of boy meets girl ,fall in love and the rest that continues . You go one step ahead and the movie will spin a lot of situations and experiences which in the country we live today becomes very important. When a lot of film makers , of course including the viewing audience still make and wait for that one dreamy romantic story which strengthens the belief in fairy tales , Bhumi ( Actress) and Akshay ( Actor) throws at us the very reality of life. This is where I mark my beginning as I naturally mention the actress first followed by the actor. Not because I am a woman and I relate to her , actually in many ways I don't but in much more I do. Jaya , the character Bhumi plays is shown as a headstrong woman with independent thinking and a simple heart . Right from the start , she knows where her heart lies, be it in falling in love , taking stock of eve teasers , telling lies to get married , loving her husband and family to asking for her right ( in...


You are, till you do They are, till you do Do it for you, they will be Do it for they, you will not be  Now and today Be selfish, live for you


You came alone, No one asked why, so What is that itching you What are you waiting for Why are you being bothered for the why!

Z is for the Zebra in my house - # A to Z challenge 2017

In this  A to Z challenge  , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story ! You made my life easy  Coz you start with Z Z Z We got you the sunny day When my little one was so happy seeing you sway Then on you have been a reason for many A reason for joy , a reason for fun  And of all the one big one You end my dream of being part of the A to Z this season

Y for Yatch in a Frame - # A to Z challenge 2017

In this  A to Z challenge  , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story ! From the far away land I carry As story of a deer and a Fairy; This little deer lost in the woods Took her shelter under my sails hoods; I had to leave for the shore awaits Thunder and storm on my way; The little one had no one and no say Out of the corner she came , the golden winged fairy; To caress and love the deer so weary  When the sun was out and my sail hit the sand; Jumped out she with all the glee to join a band Its time to move out on the next one; Where else do I get my treasure of stories full of fun

X for the X-citing Moment - # A to Z Challenge 2017

I n this  A to Z challenge  , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story ! That moment of glory In words can I explain it , not really ! It was not pride nor was it just happiness Maybe more than that , a feeling of completeness; A story of fault,  grit and endurance Say did I with no ignorance; I can still hear them applaud For each had their secret own ;

W for Who Am I - #A to Z challenge 2017

I n this  A to Z challenge  , I am attempting very small verses of poetry for all things that are at home or office which are either showpieces or left there for its own reason. I am imagining that each of it is telling its own story ! I am a little slow You will never miss my glow; In this little world of race I am at my own pace; I have my own hide From your hands I just slide; I have a hearty laugh  When I see all the turfs; I am not scared a bit Coz I float on them and sit;